By the way--Designs by Judy in Grass Lake did her flowers and can you say WOW? Great job Judys!

This was a dream day for shooting for me! The weather was PERFECT for an October wedding---which was outdoor and my absolute FAVORITE time of year. The setting was perfect--the flowers were perfect, need I go on. But most importantly--the bride and groom were truly fabulous to work with. I had already known the bride's Mom very well and consider her a dear friend at this point but I didn't even meet Bev until August this year. The funny part is that her and I are so much alike it's almost eery! We both drink our coffee the same way, have the same mannerisms and habits and very similar personalities. Bev's Mom said to me--"I know now why I like you so much! You remind me of Bev!" The one thing that I loved about Bev is that wherever she was people were smiling because she's one of those people that makes others happy just by being in the room....I understand how Josh fell in love! Needless to say--these are just a few of my favorites and we're going to have to upgrade Bev's album to get all her favorites in there and I'm totally geeked about designing it! (And nervous too--it has to be PERFECT!) Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Koch and thank you so much for inviting me to be part of your day. :)