Monday, January 31, 2011

Dustin Senior 2011

I've been terrible at blogging--simply terrible! So why not start 2011 off with one of the coolest kids ever! Duston goes to Hudson High School and his Aunt Amy sent him to me! Thanks Amy! His laid back personality but attention to detail was so cool to work with. We were walking down the street and he kind of mumbled....."this is exactly how I always thought my senior pictures would be....". I don't think he understood how very much that meant to me--that's the ULTIMATE compliment! I haven't stopped smiling! Thanks Dustin for that! :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Day at the Weir Farm

Here's my two special little Weir boys. The special part is that Alex has been coming in to get his pictures taken by me since he was either 3 months or 6 months...I seem to have forgotten exactly how old but he is almost exactly the same age as our little Corbin! The main event with this sitting was Bradley--for his 18 month session and we got some awesome photos of both of them also. I've been bugging Amanda since Alex was little to come to the farm for photos and I am soo happy to have finally gotten out there! Plus--I am totally blown away by how amazing their farm is--the Weir Daddy is quite the awesome farmer and I just want to say how impressed I was by the cleanliness, organization and efficiency that farm is tended. Good job Weir family on making a very hard job look easy! Hours and hours and hours are spent making that farm run as great as it does and we all appreciate the hard work of farmers and their families. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where to start? Gillespie Fam...

I'm very overwhelmed and far behind in my blogging so I'm just going to do it one at a time! I hope I get everyone on here eventually but just let me know if you are getting sick and tired of waiting for my butt to blog your session!!! Here's the Gillespie Family....all I need to say is "I nailed that session" and "those kiddos got ring pops when we were done!" Thanks so much.....that was a great session and there are a lot of pics because I couldn't even begin to narrow it down! :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Press Printed Reception Books! So cool.

A new product that will sell like crazy I'm sure....I would have to have one if I were getting married! These are guest books that are full of engagement pictures, words of wisdom, funny anecdotes, etc. to display and write on at your wedding reception! This is my first one and I'm hoping Lisa & Jeremy will order one along with a few other brides for this May to get them going.....I'm offering a killer deal for them this year...let me know what you think. The first image is a full wrap around cover and all the white space is for signing from your cool!

Leethan is here!!!!!!!!! Newborn session

You may remember Resha & Mike's awesome maternity session not too long ago....well...after being overdue, Leethan presented himself to the world! He's such a cutie--looks like a little old man! He's sweet and good natured and very compliant of getting these pictures taken! Thank you so much for bringing him in and I really hope you join Small Freys, Willis Family! :)